Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Information Products That Sell Like Crazy - Spotting Trends

It is unfortunate that most people do not actually believe that they can make a five figure income a year with marketing their very own information products. They will be even more surprised to discover that some of these high revenue and professional products take nothing more than a few hours to complete.

One can therefore find it difficult to understand why newbie online marketers would jump from the so-called next- big- thing" to the next instant money spinner. Eventually however, they will have absolutely nothing to show for their time, effort and hard earned money. Unscrupulous marketers like to prey on newcomers within the internet marketing sector, and milk them without delivering any meaningful value.

But if you happen to take a careful look at who are the most successful online, the vast majority of internet marketers making real money are the product publishers. Amazingly they also do not only restrict themselves to the internet marketing niche, but tackle all sorts of topics and subjects that can deliver almost immediate results to their readers and clients.

Some of these marketing gurus are known for putting out info products with specific brands like the highly anticipated 2012 edition of the 4 Hour Product, as a follow-up to the highly successful 2011 package. These gurus are responsible for millions of dollars in sales and have built up a reputation as authentic, genuine and ethical marketers, who provide fantastic after service support.

The thing is that there's nothing stopping you from emulating their success as long as you follow a well laid out and easy to follow blueprint. If you however have doubt in your own ability to reach success within a short period of time, then an information product creation business venture is probably not for you. Whenever you don't actually believe that you can jump to the big earning dollar league right away, then summarily refrain from buying books or courses that aims to teach you how to do it.

But if you do have the confidence and inherent guts to say that all it takes is determination, courage and a bit of hard work, then you already have the make-up of a successful information product entrepreneur. Many wannabe info marketers have lost out because of not grabbing an opportunity when it literally stares them in the face, and only wake up when the sold out signs go up.

You have already seen more than enough evidence that to make it really big online, or even offline, you have to be a prolific and fast product creator. Do not become like the other wimps and complain freaks who are always full of talk and no action.

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   

How I Created a $497 Product In Just 2 Days - Start an Internet Business Using This 4 Block Formula

What if you discovered how to create products quickly and easily using a step by step formula?

Do you want to know how you can create your first product within next 5 hours? If yes, read this article now.

Here are step by step details to get you started right now.

Step 1 - What is the first step to creating a mind-blowing product?

Step 2 - Creating a master product outline.

Step 3 - Different types of products you can create.

Step 4 - Create your first product within next 48 hours.

Here are 4 simple steps to get you started.

Step 1 - What is the first step to creating a mind-blowing product?

The first step is to know exactly what your subscribers really want.

In fact you should know what they really need.

Here is a simple way to know their needs. Email your subscribers and ask them their most pressing problems they are facing in your niche. Promise to help them out personally if they tell you their problems.

When you help your subscribers you build a strong relationship with them. You also get to know their challenges and this will give you ideas to create your next product.

Step 2 - Creating a master product outline.

Write down 10 main categories in your niche that will help you to solve the problems of your subscribers.

Write down 10 sub-categories within each category.

However, you can create any amount of categories and sub-categories.

When you have your outline ready all you need to do is fill up this outline and your product will be ready to promote.

Step 3 - Different types of products you can create.

When you have your outline ready here are different types of products that you can create...

1. Audio products.

2. Video products.

3. PDF e-Books.

4. Membership websites.

5. High ticket physical packages.

6. Coaching programs.

7. Consultation packages.

Step 4 - Create your first product within next 48 hours.

Write down your product outline.

Download a free audio recording software called 'Audacity'.

Search about it in

All you need to do is talk for a few hours to record your first audio product.

You can create your outline in next 2 hours and record your first product using Audacity in the next 3 hours. You can easily sell this product for $47.

I personally created a $497 product in just 2 days using this tactic.

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   Easy Ways to Find Content For Your Audio Products   

How to Get Affiliates

Affiliates are the lifeblood of your marketing strategy. Without affiliates, it's just you promoting your product and will likely see little to no results. So let's talk about how to get affiliates right now.

Affiliate Network - The first place you're going to look to attract affiliates is on the affiliate network which your product is listed in first itself. There are always affiliates searching these marketplaces, looking for products to promote and make money from, so choose and write the description for your product wisely as this can make or break an affiliate's decision to promote your product or not.

In your description mention any impressive stats your product is boasting (low refund rate, high conversion rate), why your niche is worth promoting, and what makes your product the best in its niche. Basically you're making a case for why someone would want to promote your product specifically above all others and all that that entails.

Your Competition - Your niche likely already has some established products which affiliates are already currently promoting. Do a search for that product in Google and besides the product's sales page itself you'll likely find a number of affiliate promotion and review sites for that product also ranking well in the SERPs.

Contact those webmasters via their sites and let them know about your product, point out why it's superior to what they're currently promoting, and maybe even offer them some incentives to promote your product like an introductory 100% commission on their first 10 sales or something along those lines.

Your Sales Page - If someone is familiar with your product and wants to sell it, they'll likely check the product's page itself; therefore make sure you have a visible link somewhere on your sales page marked "affiliates", "webmasters", "sell 'product name'", or something else of the like which will take them to a page on that site with details on how they can promote your product. On this page, remember:

To mention how much of a commission percentage your affiliates earn per sale and how much that translates into per sale. That if you're selling through an affiliate network like DigiResults which pays affiliates instantly, meaning as soon as the sale is logged, prominently showcase this fact as that will turn a lot of heads. List affiliate marketing tools which you can offer to your affiliates to make their job easier when promoting your product.

Affiliate Network Advertising - You can pay to place ads in different places to drum up affiliate support, as well. The best place to advertise is on affiliate networks themselves because these are the prime locations and hubs for where you know you'll find people who advertise affiliate products for a living.

Affiliate networks are good places to place ads for your product because unless your product is selling extremely well or is leading an analytical category, many affiliates won't find your product unless they're actively searching for your niche themselves. By placing advertising on an affiliate network for your product, your ad will appear when affiliates of that network are logging into their account, for example.

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   

Information Products Creation - Why An Audio Info Product May Be The Best Way For Residual Income

Creating your own information products will lead to having a business you can run from anywhere in the world. People will be able to access your products 24/7/365 and you will receive payment directly into your account. It has been my experience that audio products are the fastest to create and the easiest to promote once you have created them.

The first thing you'll want to do is to pick a topic to talk about on your audio. I started by recording myself discussing the things I knew best and felt comfortable with, such as how to get started with blogging and how to write articles quickly. Over time I moved on to other topics, and also included other people in my audio information products. I consider this to be a more advanced strategy, so begin where you feel most comfortable and knowledgeable.

Then you will make a short outline or list of bullet points of what you want to include in your recording. This is a must so that you cover everything you want to talk about without forgetting anything. It also helps you to talk in a more linear fashion so that the listeners can follow along more easily. You can even include this outline or list as part of the product.

Now it's time to write the sales letter. Keep it short and to the point. Tell your prospects what they will learn from your information and how it will help them to solve their problem or achieve their goal. The idea is to make sure they know that your audio product is the way they can move from where they are currently to closer to where they would like to be.

You can also offer the transcript as part of the product, or make it available as an upsell. Many people, including myself, enjoy listening and reading along simultaneously to learn as much as possible.

When you go on to create multiple audio products they can be packaged up to be sold for a much higher price. You can also use them as bonuses as you create other types of info products over time. You will end up with a nice selection of products to sell online as you build up your inventory over time. These will sell for years to come to bring you residual online income.

You can see that this can be done quickly and easily to showcase your knowledge and get you started with making money online.

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   

How to Fill Your Product Funnel

In this article I'm going to give you some strategies for filling your product funnel and building a solid and sustainable online business. The basic idea of a product funnel is that you start by offering your market either a free or low cost product such as an eBook, then follow up with them to entice them to buy a mid-priced item such as a home study course and continue to offer them more and more valuable products and services. You will find that a large number of people will accept or purchase your initial product but as the price and value of the products and programmes increase the number of people who invest will decrease.

The funnel idea also relates to the number of products you will need to create for each level so you want to have 6 - 10 low level products, 3 - 5 mid-priced items and just one or two high ticket programmes. Conversely the amount of personal support and interaction will increase the further into the funnel people go and your highest programmes might therefore involve 1-1 individual attention. All of this can seem a daunting prospect but the secret is just to start and focus on creating one element at a time and before you know it you will have filled your funnel. At which point you should continue to add to and improve what you have to offer at all levels of your funnel by testing and measuring how each product is performing.

I'm going to suggest two key ways to fill your funnel. Both ways work just as well but you will probably find that one way suits you better. The first way starts with your top level product or programme. Generally this is some form of 1-1 programme. The easiest way to create this is week by week as you work with your first client. You can then refine it and add to it as you work with the next few clients until you are happy you have a programme that fits your typical client. You will find that this should break down naturally into a few major elements that will form the basis of your mid-prices offerings - just use the resources for your top level programme but offer it with less support or remove some of the more detailed trainings. Similarly break these down further to come up with your entry level products.

The alternative way is to start by creating your entry level products first, then combine and deepen the trainings to come up with your mid-priced courses and still further for your highest level programmes. The main thing is to start now to fill your funnel whichever way feels most comfortable.

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   

A Direct Path to Making Money Now!

Here's a direct path to making money:

Create and sell your own information products.

There are lots of people who don't realize that they have particular knowledge that other people would be willing to pay for, and if that's the case maybe you could write a book that could make you money. Here are some examples of what I am talking about:

* You've found a way to lose weight which suits you, and you want to teach others to do the same.

* You know how to make the family budget go further.

* You know how to do craft work that you can sell in the local flea markets.

* You know how to use software such as Photoshop or Dreamweaver, and you can show others the basics.

* You know how to train Labradors, or any other breed of dog.

Those are just a few ideas... but the sky is the limit!

Take time out to look at your interests and talents, and you'll soon discover that you actually know a quite a bit about a particular topic.

So, happens next?

Below is an overview of the entire process, but remember that most of it can be outsourced:

1) Research the market to ensure your idea is profitable. Don't create a product and then try to find someone to buy it. Instead, find a hungry market and give them a product that they're ALREADY buying.

2) Research the competition so you can develop a better product.

Once you've found that market, have a look at the competition. You don't want to put out an identical product; you want to deliver something better. And don't worry if there is a lot of competition, that just means there is a demand for the product

3) Create the product.

Now you have to create the product. Start with an outline and set your goal to write X amount of words per day and just start typing.

Quick Tip: to get an outline, download some PLR products on your topic - the outline is already done for you.

Then keep typing until you finish - don't worry about any spelling or grammar, because you can do that once you've finished.

Quick Tip: If you don't like to type, then try a voice-to-text product like Dragon Naturally Speaking. In fact, that's precisely how I am writing this article!

4) Put up a website which includes an opt-in form.

Next, you need to write the sales letter that sells your eBook and upload it to a squeeze page with your autoresponder on it to get your visitors to join your list. This is important, because the money is in your list - if you can sell one you can sell them two, and so on.

5) Set up a system to sell more products on the back end. You will notice that most successful marketers will try to get you to buy an additional, more expensive product before you get to download the product you actually bought. This is normally in the form of a one time offer. So, even as you are creating your very first product, you should also be thinking about how to develop your backend sales system, ways to sell additional products to your existing customers, through email, forums, blogs or links in the products they've already purchased.

So there it is - believe me it is not too hard. It's all boils down to a simple phrase, known by successful sellers from time immemorial.

Find a hungry market and give them what they want

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   

Product Creation - A Guide to Creating Best-Selling Products Online

In this short guide I will outline the key principles and steps you need when creating best-selling products online. Online information products are the quickest and easiest products to produce and market. They are also cheap to make and eliminate delivery expenses too. The most common information product formats are ebook, audio and video. I am going to talk briefly about what makes a product a best-seller, why you should create a range of products and what to do if a product isn't selling well.

So what makes a product that sells? Put simply it is a combination of great value content that teaches the buyer how to overcome a challenge and effective marketing that advertises it to the right people in the right way. I'm only going to write about the first part here. You need to really get to know your potential customers and understand what problems and issues they are most eager to solve. Then you need to create a product that shows them how to solve that problem in a very simple, step by step way. If your product really does overcome their main challenge, is easy to implement and will also save them time, money and effort then you are onto a winner.

However well you do your research there is never a guarantee that your product will be a success and make you a profit. So you should plan right from the start to create a range of products and not just pin all your hopes on one. To be clear when I say a range of products I don't just mean that you have a product for each different level from low to high price but that you have a range of low-priced products and mid-priced products and so on. Of course, you will have more low-priced products than high-end ones but even at the top end it's good to have more than one thing to offer.

You need to measure and record the results i.e. the number of sales and the number of visitors to your sales page. Armed with this information you will be able to identify what is working. It's not as simple as just dropping the products that don't seem to be selling. You need to find out why. There may still be a way to make them turn a profit. For example, it may be that if you are getting lots of visitors but not many sales that you need to change some part of your sales page. Only ever change one thing at a time, unless you have the facility to do what is known as split testing, or else you won't know which change made the difference. Some of the key things to change and test first are the price and the guarantee.

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   How to Make an eBook Into an AudioBook   

Simple Method For Information Marketing Product Creation

An important part of information marketing is product creation yet it can be seen as a huge challenge for many, to the point that is appears just too complicated to undertake and the seemingly easier route of using an affiliate product is chosen. Yes, affiliate products do fill a gap in your product offerings, but they cannot be the mainstay to build your business around.

There are easy methods to take content you probably already have and recreate it in a different format and offer it as a free inducement or for sale. It is most likely that you have gathered quite a few eBooks on your computer's hard drive. The resources will most likely also contain some form of resell right where you have the right to use and even alter the content to create a new and unique product that you can even re title and put your name on it as author.

Find a few eBooks that are focused on the same subject and check through that the content would be of of a quality that can be offered for sale and be in demand if packaged together attractively. The relevant content should be extracted and recreated with some additional material into perhaps a twelve part course. The opportunities this offers include offering the entire product for sale of part of it as a free inducement to entice prospects onto an email list. They could then be sent regular emails which would discuss further what was in part one and how the information could be acted upon.

You can make available for free part one of the course in return for the prospect signing up to your email list. Then in the following emails that are sent to the prospects on your email list you can start building a relationship with them and talk about the challenges and problems faced by the niche and how the content of the course provides the very information that is required to overcome such. As they will have already received and read the first part, they will know the quality and extent of information on offer in the full course. All you need to do is show them that they really need the information available in the course if they want to progress their interest in the subject.

You will than have to consider what type of back end product that would appeal when the customer gets to the end of the course. Some will be happy with what they have received whilst others will want more information in order to continue to progress. I hope that your creative mind can appreciate the possibilities that are within the resources and eBooks that you already have and are awaiting to be transformed into new and unique products to satisfy a hungry market. You can bulk up the course by perhaps offering an audio version or why don't you consider the use of video in part of it. The only restriction you have is the limit of your imagination and creativity.

So if you are looking for an easy method for information marketing product creation why don't you take a look at what you have on your hard drive that could be turned into such as a twelve part course? Some "dead" content could be easily transformed into a valuable unique resource that starts to earn your internet business sales and profits. What is not to like about that?

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   How Gamification Can Turn Businesses Into Winners   

How to Develop a Product That Will Sell Like Hotcakes in Less Than One Hour

How to develop a product is where most beginners problems start.

Beginners have an issue with how it's possible to create their own product in less than one hour.

This "mental block" about how it is possible stops them from opening their minds to finding out how to do it.

This article will explain how to overcome those issues and go further, not only to develop a product but to develop a product that will sell like hot cakes and to do it in less than one hour!

So Firstly... Stop letting the past rule your future...

The way business is done today is completely different to what you've ever been taught or experienced before. Open your mind to the possibility that this is possible!

Secondly... Just learn and apply.

Don't let your mind talk you out of doing it after you've learned about it... your fears are costing you money!

Pretend you are a child again and just follow the steps and see where it takes you instead

So... What sort of product? Well the best and probably only product you can produce in an hour will be digital, downloadable... Like an eBook... which is electronic book... that resides on your laptop. An information product!

When people search the internet, they are searching for information... so just give them what they want.

A great alternative is interviewing an expert in a niche in which you have an interest. This is not as difficult as you may think. In this day and age of Skype you can interview them online and record the conversation... they are normally very happy firstly to display their expertise and secondly to get a recorded product that they too can use for self promotion.

You find these experts by searching for them using Google. Make sure the niche is relatively quite narrow otherwise you will end up with too many choices.

An alternative to Skype is using which allows recording at that site.

Learn to ask open ended questions which cannot be answered with a yes or a no... what are you interested in? How did you become an expert in... ?

Save the recording to your computer, call it "... secrets" and sell it for say, $19.00! You could also get it transcribed into print and sell it as an eBook!

If you can sell one a day for a year it will earn you over $5000! Sell 2 and it's $10000 a year.

Then rinse and repeat. Spend another hour interviewing another expert, market an sell online. Maybe do half a dozen... at one sale a day each you will earn over $35000 a year all for less than one days work!

So you have just learned not only how to develop a product but also how to create a whole range of products. What you have hopefully learned is to open your mind to what might be possible... Open your mind... things have changed... all you've got to do is take action... not tomorrow... Why not today!

Go on give it a go!

Nothing will happen if you don't take action!

Do it!

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   

Few Mistakes to Avoid By an iPhone Developer

There are millions of people who are using iPhone to stay in touch with other people residing in different parts of the world. To keep the craze alive, many development centers are involved in developing newer and better applications to give more functionality to this smartphone.

The rising need of applications has made it important for businesses to choose a good iPhone developer. An iPhone developer doesn't only possess the required skills but also have experience to handle complex issues. However, few cases have come across wherein an inexperienced developer has made few mistakes to make it different from others. Therefore, it is necessary to keep few things in mind so as to avoid the mistakes while developing an iPhone app. Some of the mistakes are:

1. Over Inventive: It is important to make unique applications but do not try to over invent them. The apps are to be targeted to a wider audience and therefore, it is essential to be simple for easy adaptation. By taking the assistance of best iPhone developers, they will maintain a proper balance between creativity and innovation for a perfect solution.

2. Application Speed: Using graphics in high-resolution is an attraction in almost all the applications. However, it has been observed that iPhone app developers slow down the speed of the application by adding larger graphics. The developers use the latest SDK to optimize the apps in the latest iOS.

3. Functionality: It is a known fact that the application must be user-friendly to engage their attention completely. If the developer lacks functionality in the app, it will not be able to engage maximum users.

4. Poor Animation: By considering the load time and size of the application, there are developers who think of compromising with animation. However, poor animation also takes away its chance of becoming popular in the app store. Therefore, it is important to hire top iPhone developers who can get all things right.

5. Multi-tasking: The huge demand of iPhone development services has increased the pressure on developers to handle more than one project. As every project has specific requirements that must be given full attention by the developer, it is advisable to take dedicated iPhone developers.

It is better to contact top iPhone development companies where there is a provision of hiring dedicated resources at attractive rates. Once you have hired a dedicated iPhone development team, the process to develop an iPhone app will not be delayed and you will be able to reduce time to market.

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   How to Make an eBook Into an AudioBook   

How to Come Up With Great Info Product Ideas

If you are building up an internet based business then you will need your own information products. These could be ebooks or audios or videos or even a combination of all three. They could be simple stand-alone ones or a home study course or even part of a coaching programme. Before you can create your products you need to identify what they should be about. In this article I am going to share some great methods for coming up with ideas for your info products.

Before I go into where to find inspiration for your new products, I want to go through some of the key criteria to help you identify an idea that will lead to a product that sells. The best-selling topics online are health, making money/business and relationships so it's best to pick something within one of these niches. Your product needs to solve a problem. It needs to be a problem that a lot of people have and are motivated to solve. People must be willing to pay to overcome this challenge.

So where can you get ideas for your next information product? The best source is existing customers. You should regularly ask your customers about their current challenges and what they want to achieve. Ask them directly what they would like you to create. Obviously you need to pick out the most commonly mentioned challenges to turn into products. Alternatively you could give them 3 - 5 product ideas and ask them to rate them according to how likely they would be to buy them.

If you are starting out and don't yet have any customers to ask, then you need to find and join any groups or communities related to your niche both online and locally. They will provide an invaluable source of ideas and information, not to mention marketing opportunities, throughout the life of your business. You will need to get involved, show interest in and give help to the other members first before you start asking for their feedback and help.

Another great way to get ideas is to study your potential competitors. Visit their websites and see what they have to offer. It may even pay in the long run to buy one of their products. You want to identify what they do well but also look for the gaps, look for the aspects they don't cover or don't cover very well. If you create a product that addresses the failings in your competitor's products whilst retaining the positives then you will stand out from the crowd.

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   How to Make an eBook Into an AudioBook   

3 Easy Ways To Make Money Selling Digital Photos

Listen to what I'm about to say: To make money online you do not need to be a professional photographer.

You heard me right, even if you are a caveman you can still make money taking pictures of just about anything. It could be you already have enough pictures on your hard drive to make a down payment on a new car.

Even if you have pictures of your pet, pictures of your old car or even pictures of your backyard believe me when I tell you, there will always be someone willing to buy your pictures.

There are many ways to sell your digital photos online. I know you are in a hurry to get started, so I will provide the most popular three ways now:

1. Find a stock photo site and upload your photos. By far this is the most popular method to use. Just log into a stock photo site like istockphoto and upload your photos.

Here are some ways to help make selling your photos easy:

The most important thing to know is what are people buying. Knowing this will help you to take the right kind of photos. You will need to know how to advertise your photos. You need to know the correct keywords to use so your buyers can find your photos. You need to know how to edit your photos. Customers that upload photos to their computer do not want a lot of other stuff in the photo. For example if they want to upload a landscape picture do not park your 2002 Ford F150 pickup truck in front of the landscape.

2. Add your photos on different products. This method is a lot of fun because you let your imagination just run wild. For example I made a photo on a t-shirt with my head on a silver platter and my wife holding it. Every time I wore it I got all kinds of crazy looks.

I found a website called Zazzle that really makes this method very easy to do. You do not even have to have a website because they will let you set up your own store to sell your merchandise. If you don't want to do that you can have the merchandise shipped to yourself to sell locally.

3. You may want to resell rights to photo packages. You could also sell your photos to web designers who would then resell the photos to others. This way others make a profit from your photos. For example a web designer would purchase a package of 25 photos from you and add the photos on his web site and then sell the website.

You might be thinking, "How will this method help me?"

By saving time and still making money. Selling one photo at a time takes a lot of time but with this method you can package your photos and sell them to a handful of marketers. This makes selling photos much easier!

I have provided the three most popular ways to make money with your photos, so what's next.

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   How to Make an eBook Into an AudioBook   

What Is Upselling?

This past holiday I was partaking in a little Cyber Monday shopping when I should have been working like the rest of America and I got an idea for a relevant post to go along with all of this product creation content I've been churning out as of late.

I was on the Musician's Friend website, which if you're unaware is basically the largest online retailer of music related gear for some pretty good prices generally, as well. I've been interested in trying a lap steel guitar for some time now and came across a pretty highly rated one on their website for under $100 (with their Cyber Monday deals) so I figured why not give it a shot. I added the instrument to my shopping cart and it was the very next page which came up which inspired this post as you'll see below:

As soon as I added the guitar to my cart I was immediately prompted to purchase items which were relevant to my lap steel guitar; things like finger picks, slides, and special lap steel strings. I hadn't even thought about how I would likely need a set of finger picks and special strings for the guitar but this was the EXACT best time to offer them to me.

This is a prime example of effective upselling from one of the biggest online retailers on the net, and we can all (as merchants) take a page from their book.

Upselling is a lucrative marketing technique which should not be mistaken for backend sales. I talked about backend sales yesterday by which I mean sales after the initial sale has been completed; today we'll talk about what is upselling and how you can use it to make more money as a merchant.

Upselling refers to offering additional products or services at the point of the sale/before the order is completed. You might offer two versions of your product, for example, a basic and a deluxe version which come with different features. You'll really push the more expensive product, showcasing how much more the customer will get out of it.

Another way to use upselling is to sneak in an additional product at the checkout which your customer can use in combination with the initial product. An example, if you were selling an MP3 player, you might offer ear buds or headphones as an upsell when that person was about to checkout with the MP3 player.

You may be conscious and cautious about upselling and then offering a backend offer as soon as they purchase their initial products. Whether or not you offer the two in tandem is up to you; but generally you're going to be using one or the other.

In getting back to the Musician's Friend example, I did go ahead and add strings and finger picks to my order at the last minute because of their upselling. I want to identify the 4 tactics which they used which convinced me to go ahead and add those "impulse" items to my cart.


This one's a biggie because if the suggested items weren't relevant to my main purchase or at the very least the guitar, I likely wouldn't have bought any of them. Each of the suggested items were very targeted to my purchase which is what caught my attention in the first place.


Note the very prominent "add to cart" button below each product. Shopping couldn't get easier and the convenience of paying for it in the same session and receiving it in the same packaging as my main purchase is fantastic.


All of these products are in the $5-$20 range so it makes justifying their purchases pretty easy to do, especially when they know that I'm willing to spend $100 on that initial product. If they were upselling me with something which was comparable in price or more expensive than that initial product, that would lose my interest and turn me off. If you're offering a deluxe version of your normal product, you can offer that as I mentioned earlier as the upsell for a small additional fee.

So if people were willing to spend $75 for your normal product, they'll likely be willing to spend another $25 to bring it up to an even $100 if you clearly lay out the benefits/advantages/reasoning for that deluxe upsell.

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   How to Make an eBook Into an AudioBook   

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content

Repurposing content for the web is the process of reusing your old content over and over again, in such a way that you give it a new appearance, so that it seems like fresh content. If you find it hard to keep coming up with new content all the time, you will be pleased to know that there are many simple ways of reusing your old content, and here we take a look at some of them.

One of the oldest and most popular ways of repurposing content for the web would be to turn it into an eBook. This has the advantage of allowing you to take your content to the visitor, rather than having to find a way of getting your visitors to the content. By this I mean that it is so much easier to allow people to share and copy your ebooks than it is to get traffic to an individual website.

Ebooks can be created simply by using Google Docs at or Open Office at for example. Once you have your content, just copy and paste it into Google Docs then use the "Print" command and save the PDF file which is created to give it away later if you want to go for a viral marketing effect, or else sell the content. With open office simply export your chosen content as PDF format.

Sites such as, for example, allow you to upload ebooks to give away, and get a huge audience, so they will be a valuable resource to you if you plan on repurposing content for the web using ebooks. But there are other ways of creating ebooks, and this is where it starts to get exciting!

If you have access to Microsoft PowerPoint (or again, Open Office which is free) you can create slides of your content (again just copy and paste your old content in) and these slides can then be uploaded to various websites such as You are still not creating any new content, just reusing all your currently existing content in a manner that can open it up to a whole new audience!

Now from your slide presentations', you have the option of recording the presentation using free screen capture recording software such as that at Some of the free screen capture recording software might be somewhat limited in its usability, but then you do have the option of recording your entire presentation, and then simply editing it together better after you have finished recording.

The free Windows Movie Maker software from Microsoft is an excellent resource in both editing and producing your finished video, in various formats. It is at this point that repurposing content for the web starts to really take off, as you now have video content that you can either sell (we will come to that option momentarily) or use as free content on the many video submission sites out there.

YouTube (amongst many other video sharing sites) will be immensely valuable to you if you plan on giving away your content as free videos. The number of views, and therefore potential traffic, can be huge. There are many people now that use YouTube as a search engine in itself - as in they search for whatever they are looking for directly within YouTube itself, rather than searching in Google first and clicking through from any videos displayed there.

As mentioned above if you plan on repurposing content for the web in video format you have two options, firstly giving away any content created as free content, and secondly as selling such content. At first glance the second option might sound too complicated, but there are actually simple steps to take in order to make this happen, and we will take a look at this next.

Once you have your video content, all you need to do is upload it to a website called, and they can create a DVD complete with a DVD case, case insert and case outer cover that is finally shrink wrapped and ready for easy sale on Amazon. You can either manually login daily and arrange for any DVD's you sell to be sent off to the buyer, or you can have the whole thing setup to happen automatically between Amazon and PayPal.

Of course before you take this step you will also need to have the design for the actual DVD disc, the design for the DVD case insert and the design for the DVD case outer cover, but all of these can be created for you on sites such as or even, so its not such a big leap to take in order to do this for the first time.

Finally it's worth mentioning that no matter how old you content is, it's still almost certainly worth reusing. If you have old articles, press releases, blog posts and even classified ads out there that are still relevant and that you can even still find and are 100% your own content, then you can still copy and paste them into a text editor, tweak them if need be, then as described above and in the format of your choice start repurposing content for the web!

Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   How to Make an eBook Into an AudioBook   

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